A History of what led up the events in New York city on September 11, 2001
Year | ||
6000 BC | Gilgamesh defeats the bull in the forest | |
Sumerians grow crops in the
Fertile crescent |
http://www.fsmitha.com/h1/ch02.htm | |
2024 BC | Abraham walks to the Land of Canaan | Abraham: A Journey to the Heart of Three Faiths |
1900 BC | Isaac and Ishmael meet at
their father's funeral |
http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+25&version=NIV |
327 BC | Alexander expands Rome to the East | |
325 AD | Emperor Constantine converts to Christianity | |
406 | Barbarians invade the Roman
Empire across the frozen River Rhine |
476 | Romulus Augustus is deposed,
ending the Roman Empire in the West |
622 | Muhammad and his followers
move to Yathrib, which is now called the City of the Prophet or el-Medina. |
Year | ||
632 | Muhammad dies. Muslims conquer Sasanid (Persian) Empire. Take control of North Africa, Syrian territories and the Byzantine Empire. | http://one-islam.org/religion_islam/timeline.htm |
634 | Muslims move into the region of Iraq. | http://islam.about.com/cs/history/a/aa040703a.htm |
636 | Caliph Umar the Great conquers Jerusalem | |
656 | Uthman (third capliph) murdered by mutinous troops, beginning a civil war. Ali is designated the new caliph, according to Shi'ah tradition, Muhammad had designated him. Those that recognized the original four caliphs were termed Sunni. | |
732 | The Battle of Tours. Franks defeat Moors, stopping the expansion of Islam into Western Europe. | |
750 | The Abbasid Muslims move the Capital of Iraq to Baghdad | |
799 | Charlemagne is anointed King by the Pope in Rome implicitly creating the Holy Roman Empire. | |
1092 | Emperor Alexis I in Constantinople sends a letter to Pope Urban II to ask for help. He gets more than he bargained for. | Google Timeline for the first crusade |
1501 | Ismail al-Savafi proclaims himself shah of Iran. | |
1744 | Abd al-Wahhab and Muhammad ibn Saud form a partnership of mutual noninterference. | |
1839 | Tanzimat Decree of Mustafa Reshit Pasha | http://www.ottomansouvenir.com/General/the_brief_history.htm |
Year | ||
1896 | Theodor Herzl publishes Der Jundenstaat (The Jewish State) advocating British backed colonization of Palestine. | http://www.islamicity.com/mosque/ihame/Sec14.htm |
1901 | William D'Arcy makes a deal with Persia for oil exploration. | |
1919 | France and Britain secretly agree to divide up control of Syria, Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon. | |
1939 | Trans-Iranian railway built, connecting Tehran to the Persian Gulf. | http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5267640865741878159# |
1951 | Dr. Mossadegh elected Prime Minister of Iran on a platform of democracy and nationalization of the Iranian petroleum industry. | |
1952 | Kermit Roosevelt works with British financing on "Operation Ajax" to oust Mossadegh. | http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5267640865741878159# |
1970 | M. King Hubbert's predictions of peak oil production for the United States prove to be correct. | |
1980 | CIA Supports Hisb-i-Islami and other Afghan guerillas in the fight against the Soviet Union. | http://www.fair.org/extra/0201/afghanistan-80s.html |
1982 | Reagan praises the Afghan "Freedom Fighters" | |
1983 | Donald Rumsfeld meets with Saddam Hussein as US envoy for Ronald Reagan. They agree they have "common interests". | http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB82/iraq26.pdf |
1987 | Afghans win one of the last battles of the Soviet occupation at Jaji, led by Osama bin Laden. | http://www.slate.com/id/2102243/ |
1990 | Saudi government allows US troops to be stationed in Saudi Arabia. | |
1998 | Clinton orders cruise missile attacks against training camps in Afghanistan. | |
1999 | Library of Congress prepares a report outlining how an al Qaeda bomber could use an aircraft as a weapon. | Long list of warnings |
Jan 25, 2001 | Richard Clarke sends a memo to Condoleezza Rice urging review of strategies to fight al-Qida network. | |
August, 2001 | Zacarias Moussaoui signs up to learn how to fly a 747 but does not seem interested in how to land. | |
August 6, 2001 | Bush receives Presidential Daily Briefing titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US". | |
August 16, 2001 | Zacarias Moussaoui arrested on immigration violation. | |
Sept 6, 2001 | FAA puts flights restrictions on Salman Rushdie | |
Sept 9, 2001 | Bin Laden calls his mother-in-law and says he will not be able to talk with her for a while. | |
May 1, 2011 | Osama Bin Laden shot while "hiding in plain sight" in a compound in Pakistan. |
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