Here's why this page is necessary. If you want to be frightened, click here.
Discover Magazine takes a look at why this is such a mess.
The scientific consensus on GMO safety
Sure I'm a shill, for science!
Top 5 myths, if you believe NPR
List of lies and fraud
Check here first for your favorite argument. Lots of hyperlinks.
The actual study on rats and cancer by Seralini.
A very readable discussion of that study.
USGS says pesticides are everywhere!!
Now listen to someone who understands what that means.
Stephanie Seneff has a PhD from MIT, but not in biology.
Trillion meals study
Yep, those pesiticides pass right through you. We said that.
That word toxic, I don't think you know what it means.
What does the Nobel Prize winning guy say?
The provision is called the “Farmer Assurance Provision” not the "Monsanto Protection Act"
What the provision says is, "if you plant a crop that is legal to plant when you plant it, you get to harvest it”
Here's the basic legal facts of the Farmer's Assurance Provision.
One view of Monsanto's history. Put your skeptic's hat on for this one.
Seems like Big Junkfood has more control over seed choices than anybody.
Want more? Here's a link to a link's page
If you hate them, it's green washing. If you're rational, they are doing something for butterflies.
David vs Monsanto: Percy Schmeiser
Food Inc.: Moe Parr lied to farmers and to you.
Genetic Roulette: a point by point analysis
Seeding Fear: Court docs for Michael White
Hybrids saved a lot of lives, GE is a faster and more precise method.
When you read people who study world hunger, they are not against it.
Gains are even higher in developing countries.